About Us
HealthAcer.com, Your Ace Guide To Better Health & Wellness.
HealthAcer is an online health and wellness site, that is created to help make healthy living, accessible for all.
We also recognize that health and wellness look different for everyone. Therefore our content is broad and varied.
We cover general health-related topics such as diet and nutrition, as well as more specific medical issues like diabetes and Alzheimer's.
Our content has been carefully curated for people of all ages, who are in different stages of their health journey.
Our Team
Hari – (Harideran Sivagnanam)
Hari experienced a major health crisis in 2013, where decades of a poor diet, lead to osteoarthritis and gout in his knees.
He was unable to walk for 3+ years, used a pair of clutches and was also confined to a chair, during this period.
Hari transformed his life and was able to walk again when he changed his diet & nutrition. Today, he is a strong advocate of Natural Health.